Friday, February 25, 2011

A Tradition for Sick Days

I don't get sick all that often, but about a month ago, I was feeling very sneezey and out-of-it, so I skipped the customary outfit post for that day and shared a bunch of Internet finds that had struck my fancy (check out that post right here). Well, here I am again, feverish and achy, and there ain't no way I'm leaving this couch. Take a look at this loveliness instead, and I think I'll make such posts a tradition for all future sick days.

It looks like a boutonniere, but this is actually a nest made out of flower petals by a particular species of bee. Nature rocks. (Story from NPR, found via the ModCloth Blog)

I want this skirt very much, along with most of the other stuff from H&M's environmentally-friendly Conscious Collection. (Found via The Budget Babe)

And the long skirt is appropriate in light of this:

You know it's true. (Found via Uber Chic for Cheap)

I really love these boots, but I really really love the simple breakdown that Jentine at my edit. gave about taking calculated risks at the thrift store based on an item's quality, timelessness, and personal appeal.

This bride, Maggie, made her own wedding dress -- and what a dress it is! Love all of that color. And PS, she made her husband's suit as well, that crafty minx. (Found via Offbeat Bride)

Why We're Here: Twin Cities from Seven and Sixty Productions on Vimeo.

I've never thought about the Twin Cities all that much, but this video legitimately made me think of moving there. Nice work, Seven and Sixty Productions. Would love to see a video like this for Provo and/or Salt Lake City. (Found via Yes & Yes)

The Academichic bloggers compiled a great list of ways to re-purpose jewelry of all sorts.

Sal from Already Pretty is just the wisest: "The love you may choose to give to others must start within you, and your love for others will be more rich and fulfilling if you learn to love yourself first." She gave a quick list of ways to love yourself on Valentine's Day, but the ideas are appropriate for all times of the year. Take care to care for yourself, friends.

An organization called Face Research has compiled the "average faces" of women from 41 world regions. Beautiful, one and all. I have to say: my face is dead-on English and Swiss. (Found via Bellasugar)

Love this look from Cheyser P. on Lookbook. Floaty fairy dresses, cozy sweaters, and knee socks are what I'd like to wear in Heaven, if I'm being totally honest.

PLEASE go read this post on emotional consumption from Orchids in Buttonholes. Here's my favorite part: "In the past, I consumed while emotional because, for an instant, I felt like that new thing might magically transform my situation, like Dorothy’s shoes. In that moment of acquisition, I imagined I’d be better, different, more thoughtful or headstrong or resilient ... But a truth I cling to is this:  no thing ever changed my life. I did. Many many many times. Maybe I did it in a thing or with a thing, but it was always me, not it, and I’ll do it again."

(Kandinsky's "Composition VII")

My friend Krisanne wrote wonderfully and succinctly about the importance of really experiencing those big feelings - the anger, the sadness, the fear, the excitement - instead of ignoring them or being ashamed of them.

And speaking of the big feelings, Melissa got super-brave and wrote about her previous experience with postpartum depression, specifically as it related to the way her body had changed through pregnancy and childbirth. Having just given birth to her second baby, she talks about accepting her body and figuring out postpartum fashion.

I'll concede that I'm feverish and hopped up on medication right now, but this video made me cry big-time. It documents the cultural celebration held for the dedication of the new Mormon temple in Kyiv Ukraine. As religious and sentimental as I tend to be, it's also easy to get cynical sometimes. It was refreshing to watch something so purely uplifting.

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