Wednesday, February 2, 2011

30x30: Second Verse, Same As The First!

30x30 ITEMS
Blazer: Charter Club brand (secondhand), $10
Plaid shirt: Saugatuck brand (thrifted), $0.56
Khakis: Gap, $20
Boots: gift from mom

Hat: found it
Leaf pin: Roberts Craft, $2
Owl pin: gift from sister-in-law

Does this huge winter storm across the U.S. have a clever nickname yet? I feel like it should, but I have an unofficial boycott of 24-hour news networks, so if the reporters have come up with something awesome, I'll be the last to know.

Here in Provo, we're not getting any snow, but the air is ridiculously cold, and I had an errand to run for my husband a few hours ago, so my dream of becoming one with the couch was not happening. If there's any one thing I dislike about wintertime, it's how long it takes to leave the house. Gloves, hats, thermal long-johns - piling on layers takes time. Then again, layering gives so many options for looking fly, so I guess I shouldn't complain about the downsides, right? So I can improve myself and be a good example?

Favorite secret thing about this outfit: this blazer was designed for a little boy! Hooray for my small rib cage and bustline, I guess.

Favorite thing about today's pictures: the fact that my husband made a guest appearance. Enjoy.

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