Monday, January 31, 2011

Taking A Sick Day/Weekly Gratitude 2

I don't think I've ever sneezed this much before. Consider this a sick day.

So while I got it together enough to put on clothes that were not pajamas, I did not put on makeup, take pictures, or leave the couch more than three times. In lieu of showing off clothes, I will show off some other, more awesome stuff.

Autistic artist Stephen Wiltshire draws spellbinding 18ft picture of New York from memory... after a 20-minute helicopter ride over city

She Shared Her Post-Baby Body to Help You See the Beauty in Imperfection

Beautiful. Vera Wang does "White" collection for David's Bridal.

Great thoughts over at Already Pretty from guest poster Andrea, covering Authorship, Style, and Stereotypes

Whoa! That is one serious piece of driftwood. No photoshopping involved.

GREAT skirt-hemming tutorial from Unusual Form.

But then again ...
Maybe longer hemlines are worth considering. Below-the-knee lengths are apparently poised for a comeback.

RAGS against the MACHINE had some poignant thoughts about enjoying and admiring your current body.

Hello, Monkeyface had the second installment of a great series on self-photography for style blogging.

*sigh* ... Seriously, Atlantic-Pacific? I am dying for your weather and a strong dose of tangerine.

Loved this post on St. George, Utah from C. Jane. That's my hometown, baby! And I never loved it enough when I was in it.

Loved this mini-retrospective on Carrie Bradshaw's style over at B. Jones (there were many more pictures than these six). And B. proceeded to pay homage to Carrie with her outfits during the week!

And, because I really need to make an effort at gratitude today, here's my Weekly Gratitude list. (I meant to do this yesterday, but the internet was out.)

Gratitude List

1. I'm grateful not to live on or near the Jersey Shore.
2. I'm grateful for my mom. She is truly, truly the best person to talk with when I need advice mixed with sympathy. So much love for her.
3. I'm grateful for the next month of no new clothes, which will be mildly difficult on some days but mostly very good. It will also give me a chance to be more thoughtful about the stuff I'll invest in come March. I won't do any PURCHASING, but you best believe that this computer of mine will see a lot of online window shopping.
4. I'm grateful for the soft lighting of lamps.
5. I'm grateful for oatmeal with brown sugar - the ultimate comfort food when I'm ill.
6. I'm grateful that my husband will get a break from his new, not-totally-fun job this week when he takes off to visit/help out his big brother.
7. I'm grateful for a clean shower (and yes, I'm the one who cleaned it -- this is a big deal for me).
8. I'm grateful that my spiritual education takes place all week long, rather than being confined to Sundays.
9. I'm grateful to have more hangers than clothes (this is a recent change).
10. I'm grateful to have ever tasted the Sweet Carnitas Salad at Costa Vida. Nummers

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