Sunday, January 23, 2011

On A Quest!

After yesterday's mishap, wherein my neighbors caught me taking pictures of myself and I felt VERY foolish, I decided to go exploring today and find a remote-yet-totally-cool location for pictures. I'll stick close to home on some days, I'm sure, but for those times when I want to act extra goofy and experiment with my photography, it will be good to remove the worry factor with an out-of-the-way spot.

I did a little driving in the foothills of Provo, and lo and behold, this abandoned barn-like building appeared. The sign said "Heritage Mountain"; judging from the graffiti and boarded-up windows, I'd say that no one has gone inside for quite some time. A quick Google search (when I got home) led me to this Flickr set of the building, with a link to a Deseret News article summarizing how the building had been planned as part of a huge ski resort that never materialized. Sad for the investors, I'm sure, but cool for me! This place will provide many an interesting backdrop and plenty of room to explore.

Necklace: patched together from an antique bracelet ($5) and a broken necklace ($4)
T-shirt: Old Navy, $8 (2005)
Yellow scarf-belt: Gap Outlet, $12 (2008)
Polka-dot skirt: gift from a friend
Gray boots: Payless, $30 (2007)

Ms. Kristine of Kristine. Or Polly. wore the greatest polka-dot skirt/striped top combination a few days ago, and while I can't recreate her outfit precisely (or her gorgeous hair, beautiful skin, overall style, etc.), I was inspired to yank this skirt out of the depths of my closet and work a little Crayola-color magic on it with primary blue and yellow. Given some warmer weather, I would have loved to add some colorful shoes to the mix as well, but I guess these boots are a few steps up from goosebumps and frostbite.

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