Saturday, January 29, 2011

Play It Cool

Necklace: Wal-Mart, $5
Striped thermal: Old Navy, $8
Vest: BDG brand, $9 (secondhand)
Ring: Kohl's, $15 (2007)
Jeans: Old Navy, $20 (2007)
Boots: gift from mom

I've been noticing lately that A LOT of my clothes are on the cool side - not "cool" as in "My best friend is so cool," but "cool" as in greens, blues, purples, and grays in washed-out tones. Today is an example of that fact. Here are some others from the past month:


Blue, green, and purple have always been really flattering colors for me, and I don't want to fight the stuff that looks good, the stuff I've been attracted to since I was a little kid. What I would like to change is the dark and/or washed-out tones that populate my closet as of now. Instead of powder blue, why not turquoise? Why not go for magenta instead of lavender? This is where I'd like to add more variety in my wardrobe, and if it hadn't been for this blog forcing me to take pictures of myself each day, I wouldn't have even noticed this little habit. The internet has saved me yet again.

We're about to head into the Winter 30x30 challenge, and along with it, a shopping hiatus, so I won't be picking up any super-bright new pieces in the immediate future. However, this is something I'll be keeping an eye out for, and as I see possible gaps in my wardrobe, I'll do my darnedest to seek out bright pieces to fill those gaps.

I gave milkmaid braids a try today. Can you dig it? I don't think my hair is quite long enough or thick enough for it to have the appropriate impact, but it was worth a shot.

And now, a parting shot for the ages.

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