Thursday, February 24, 2011

30x30: Bookworm

30x30 ITEMS
Blazer: Class Club brand (secondhand), $10
Pinstripe trousers: Kohl's, $30
Boots: vintage Marc Alpert brand via Etsy, $38

Scarf: secondhand, $4
Bracelet: birthday present from my bro and his lady-friend (thanks, team!)

Here's a secret from my bag of tricks: if you're sick of all your shirts, just stuff a scarf inside a jacket and call that a shirt. Very simple.

I spent about an hour looking for a spot to take my pictures today. Walked a lot, got a blister. My new camera allowed me to venture inside a dark abandoned shed, right next to the yard where I saw those deer. And guess what? The deer were back! There were four this time instead of seven, but still. Any day when you hang out with deer is a good day.

So, I don't know about y'all, but I sometimes get overwhelmed by the number of new blog posts that show up in my reader each day. I have to periodically go through and clean out my subscriptions, but even still, it's a lot to keep up with. I was feeling burnt out on all my online reads today, so I ventured forth to the local library in order to read the printed word. Let's all do it. Books are nice. Here's what I picked up:

I'm constantly coming across quotes from both Rilke and Jung that make me exclaim, "That is totally brilliant!" The universe is clearly telling me that I should read up on both these fellows.

And, bonus, this was in my mailbox:

My first issue of The Sun Magazine, which releases new fiction/essays/poems on a monthly basis. I subscribed a few weeks ago and am looking forward to enjoying each month's newness.

Did y'all know that I was an English major in college? I was. I graduated in 2009 and, regrettably, I haven't maintained the daily connection with literature that I used to have. That absence doesn't make me mad or sad, really; it's just something I'd like to change moving forward. As much as I want to be a writer and hope to develop that talent, it's more important to me that I am and will remain a reader.

Quick question: do you have a favorite book (or maybe two or three favorites)? My #1 is The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. Share yours, if you've got one.

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