Monday, January 3, 2011

Agnes Finney's Romantic Butterfly!

The Romantic Butterfly (Joy) is an eye catching strapless cocktail dress adorned with hundreds of colorful monarch butterflies. The dress is on sale in the shop for $L380. The Lyric Hair (Joy) also has butterflies to match and can be found in the lobby at My Precious Agnes Finney for $L50 if you're a group member, be sure to wear your tag!

LAQ Jessica Peach Glow Makeup 6 w/Blonde Brows
Ibanez Tranquil Envy Eyes
Purple Rose Jewelry Butterfly Embrace Necklace, Earrings & Ring Set - The gems are color changeable.
Maitreya Gold Shanti Heels in Black
Poses by Exposuer Poses & Animations
To see more go here :)

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