Thursday, November 6, 2008

TiTi Winner: Oct 2008

Votes are in. And Obama wins White House..... while Kiel! Yes, Kiel Estrella of Manila wins the Crystal TiTi for October. 

America and The Pinoy (Gay) Blog Community have spoken. Barack Obama was elected the US’ first African-American president, defeating John McCain decisively on Tuesday while Kiel was voted the first bespectacled TiTi Winner. Obama wins a landslide but Kiel's TiTi survived the landslide from the popularity votes garnered by his fellow October Nominees. 8 mentioned votes each from 4 of his opponents against Kiel's 7 (6 of which putting him on first place). Electoral Votes counted Kiel as the New TiTi Winner. 

Here is the winning comment: 

(On finding Love) "In my opinion, while simplistic formulas may hold for sexual encounters, one need meeting another cannot adequately explain nor sustain a romantic relationship. Love cannot be limited to the narrow confines of trading money, intelligence, beauty, virtue or (even) sexual preference for intimacy or any of the former as bargaining chips. 

As i grow older (!) I am seeing more how people tend to reduce what is complicated to something that is easier to explain to justify their own prejudices. (The spirit of Oprah possessed me there for a while)..... Or may be - inspite (and probably due to) my experiences, i'm still a hopeless romantic".

Congratulations Kiel for winning October's TiTi Award. Just like Obama, dont forget to thank Oprah! Ang sabi nga ni Lola O nyo (No, not Mama O but the O from ChicagO,....
"What we're all striving for is authenticity, a spirit-to-spirit connection". O Ayan! May the Spirit of Oprah be with us all! Tse! 

Vote Results:
1. Kiel: 19 Pts. 
2. Empress Maruja: 18Pts.
3. The Zen Bitch: 17 Pts.
4. Xan Factor: 14 Pts.
5. Luis Batchoy: 12 Pts.
6. Kiks: 11 Pts.

"Mostly, I think I felt degraded by the thought of being reduced to either being a turgid appendage or a welcoming orifice".- Kiel, Oct 16, 2008

Read more of  Kiel here ----> Life As A Write-Up

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