Thursday, June 9, 2011


Headscarf: free from clothing swap
Necklaces: top one was $5 from antique shop, bottom one was $4 from Forever 21
Shirt: secondhand Hollie brand, $9 from consignment shop
Pants: secondhand J.Crew brand, $10 from consignment shop
Sandals: gift

These pants would be perfect for a sailor costume at Halloween-time. They're high-waisted, and they have nine buttons in front with laces in the back. When some friends of ours came over on Monday to deliver homemade bread (sidenote: homemade bread! nicest thing!), one of them noticed my pants and said they were the coolest pants he'd ever seen. So there you go: I own the coolest pants. No big deal.

Assuming that I can make the publishing schedule work correctly, this post will go live on Thursday, at which point Craig and I will be in Seattle visiting some family. The Pacific Northwest is just the coolest area in the world, as far as I'm concerned, so I'm really excited to take this trip and explore Seattle a bit. Anyone out there in Seattle? Tell me so and tell me where to visit.

My dad's cousin Wendy just opened up an antique shop in St. George, so I stopped in for a spell while I was around for my brother's wedding. I came away with three pairs of earrings and this littler necklace, which is made from genuine turquoise and sterling silver. Turquoise is really cool, in my opinion. I actually insisted I'd have a turquoise wedding ring all through my childhood. That didn't happen (I eventually set my sights on a sapphire wedding ring instead), but I continue to love turquoise jewelry with a passion.

The Plinky question for today: "What are you most proud of achieving so far this year?" Actually, the answer to that is related to the trip I'm taking right now. Earlier this year, Craig and I decided to move to Seattle, and we've been taking increasingly significant steps to make that happen. I'm proud of this achievement mainly because this decision is so much gutsier than any we've made before, together or separately; we don't have a solid plan for what will happen when we get to Seattle. However, it feels like the right decision, especially with all the money we have saved, and we figure we've gotta start the post-college part of life somewhere, so it may as well be in the place where we really want to be, and that's the Northwest. I'm really proud of how Craig and I have been working together on this and providing each other with all the encouragement and reassurance we need. We're moving at the beginning of August and have a childlike excitement about the whole thing. Believe me: there's lots of giggling in my house these days.

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