Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Goof Monster

Earrings: vintage, belonged to my great-grandmother
Scarf: Van Heusen, $7
Necklace: borrowed from my mom
Shirt: Ocean Pacific brand, gift
Jeans: Guess brand via Buckle, $92
Shoes: secondhand, $8 from consignment store

Whilst Craig and I were in St. George for my bro's wedding, my family decided to have our first "real" family picture of all time. We've gathered together for quick shots here and there, but this is the first instance where we hired a legit photographer, wore coordinated outfits, and got some proper images. We visited the Brigham Young Home and my great-grandma Gardner's home across the street as well. Inbetween, Craig shot a few outfit pictures for me. He's a sweet dude, but his greatest skill seems to be in clicking off shots while I look ridiculous.

I'm pondering another question from Plinky today: "Ten years ago, did you expect that your life would be anything like it is today?"

Ten years ago, I was fourteen and wanted to marry Apolo Anton-Ohno.

But realistically, when I was fourteen, I expected that the ten coming years would bring college, marriage, and a baby or two. I'm not sure that I filled in the picture much beyond those broad strokes. I probably thought I'd be living on the East Coast and teaching high school, neither of which came true or are still part of my plan. Anyway, my answer is: yes, I did expect that my life would be pretty much like it is now. I imagined that I would go to college and really enjoy it. I imagined that if I found someone to marry, it would be a relationship that grew from friendship into love. I imagined that church and education would be really important to me. All of these things are indeed the case. While I expected that I'd be a mom by now, it's not too surprising that I'm not, and I don't think my life would look all that different if I had a child -- I'd just have some righteous stretch marks and a perpetually-frazzled look in my eyes.

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