Monday, June 29, 2009

A Tail To Tell

"You were wagging your tail too much" says Mama O. "Yeseeshah, obviousa!" Jezebel agrees. 

I was just excited to see this guy. He's visiting SF from out of state. I knew him from long before. But his facebook pics put on display how better-looking he is now. Then there he is in the flesh again. He truly looks different with his new physique. 

He with his clique joined us. I didnt know that I showed too much interest by acting like a dog wagging his tail like a windshield wiper powered to the maximum speed until Mama O and Jezebel told me so. 

Maybe i did ask him a lot of questions. Maybe my body language were too much. Maybe I used too much touch. Or manifested a lot of licking the lips. All the while, I thought I was just being friendly.

"Was I that obvious?" I asked the sisters. "Was it bad?" 

Mama O doesnt think so. He liked what he saw: He saw confidence, a thing he seldom see in me when it comes to flirting. But I still thought the over-wagging of the tail was too much. It didnt work. 

Jezebel showed me a smile when I said that. The Sookie Stockhouse in me snapped. Jeze's mind recited: "It's not because you wagged your tail too much. It was how you wagged it. The way like a pig does when he sees food".  Charot!

Well, yes. There are advantages and disadvantages in showing a guy how interested you are of him in your first meeting. Wagging your tail plus good looks wont always give you a free pass. Maybe i dont have the good looks, just the wagging. Chos! 

Now, I say goodbye to my tail: 

The letter Q without the tail, is no Q anymore. It becomes an O. Some like the letter Q and some like the plain letter O. Analyze that and Good Luck to all of you! Tse! 

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