Bikram Yoga
"The physical challenge gives me exceptionally great concentration, power, and force. And the Bikram heat relaxes not only my joints and muscles, but my mind and emotional body as well. Its a great reparation of your dull daily routine".

Ansel Adams' Photographs
This is an artist that I feel I can make connections with. I can spend several minutes gazing at the expansive shots he took with their razor sharp detail. The stark beauty of Ansel Adams' works never cease to amaze, considering it was done many decades ago, when you'd have to believe technology was much cruder. (www.anseladams.com)

Lyka Recommends:
Anne Rice's Cry To Heaven
Anne Rice's Cry To Heaven's Eunuchs outrank her Vampires and Witches. This is definitely her best book. Cry to Heaven is a richly told story of the complexity of men who are ostracized for being 'half-men'. A love story of two castrati. Betrayal, revenge, loss, love, triumph, and sadness: hauntingly depicted. This book might just make you cry.
And Finally, Kelly Recommends this. (Warning! Dont make pindot pindot kung nasa work ka dahil lagot ka!)
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